There will be a pep fest celebrating the volleyball team on Tuesday, November 1st at 2:55 in the arena before they head to Tulare. It will be livestreamed and is open to the public. Go Braves!
over 2 years ago, Christina Bosse
varsity vb
The bracket is set for the Region 1B Volleyball Tournament. Britton-Hecla will travel to Hitchcock-Tulare (game in Tulare) on Tuesday, November 1st. The game will start at 7:30 pm Winner of the Tuesday game will play on Thursday, November 3rd @ 7:30 PM.
over 2 years ago, Stephanie Symens
Apple pie day in FACS! This crew did an amazing job mixing, rolling and designing beautiful pies.
over 2 years ago, Sara Jensen
Melanie and Addysen
Weight Room Hours - Starting next week! Mornings @ 6:30 am (south arena doors open from 6:20-6:40 am) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday. Afternoons from 3:30 - 5:00 pm Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
over 2 years ago, Stephanie Symens
Our elementary students have started working on our Christmas program. Below are links to the songs for practicing at home. Enjoy! 1st-5th Grade Songs: A Bear-y Merry Holiday Kindergarten Songs
over 2 years ago, Holli Medhaug
Bear-y Merry Holiday
The student council is looking for stuffed animals and ice cream pails for their school carnival that will be held on Nov. 18th. Donated stuffed animals & pails can be dropped off in the office. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, BHHS
The 8th FACS made some scrumptious cookies and delicious pizza. They also upcycled Britton-Hecla jerseys into pillows. They will be sharing their sewing skills with the community in December when their pillows will be for sale.
over 2 years ago, Sara Jensen
Adelynn, Emmett and Avalon
Carter, Matias, Elijah and Avalon
Camden and Graham
Celebrating their last day of sewing!
Learning to hand sew in 6th grade FACS. Check out the awesome MONSTER pillows that were created!
over 2 years ago, Sara Jensen
Jake, Bowen, Drew and Bryson
Olivia, Ailyn, Alyexys and Kendra
Parents’ Night for volleyball will be at Tuesday's game. All parents will get into the game for free. We will announce the seniors and their parents before the varsity game on the court. Congratulations to our senior volleyball players: McKaelyn, Ellie, Alyssa, and Katee.
over 2 years ago, Christina Bosse
senior vb players
Our cheerleaders and student council members joined forces to raise funds for our local Marshal County Relay for Life during "Dig Pink" week. The students raised $1500 for the cause.
over 2 years ago, BHHS
Sr. Cheer and STUCO members presenting a check to Cyndy Grandpre and Marie Marlow
We need our lost and found items to be claimed!
over 2 years ago, BHHS
Lost and Found
Lost and Found
Lost and Found
Lost and Found
Please consider taking a few minutes to fill out the linked questionnaire from the BH School District . This will close by noon on Wednesday, Oct. 26th.
over 2 years ago, Steve Benson
Good luck to the Lady Braves as they take on Groton tonight. C game starts at 5 pm with JV and V to follow! #gobigred #bebrave
over 2 years ago, Stephanie Symens
Good Luck to our Braves Oral Interpretation kids today. Our local event is schedule for 5 pm in the art and choir room. Stop in and listen to our talents kids.
over 2 years ago, Stephanie Symens
Sisseton Wahpeton College instructor and BHS alumni, Missy Marx, visited this morning and met with students to share the opportunities including a new nursing program offered at their college!
over 2 years ago, Britton-Hecla School
SW visit 1
SW visit 2
Good luck to the Lady Braves Volleyball team as they travel to Clark-Willow Lake to take on the Cyclones. C game start at 5 pm with JV and Varsity to follow. #gobigred #bebrave
over 2 years ago, Stephanie Symens
Good Luck to our Britton-Hecla Braves as they head to Howard tonight to take on the Tigers in the First Round of the Football Playoffs! Kick off is set for 6 pm. #gobigred #bebrave
over 2 years ago, Stephanie Symens
Congratulations to the Britton-Hecla Oral Interp Team for a fantastic showing at the ECC meet on Wednesday. Brynlee earned 1st in Storytelling and 2nd in Serious. Cassidy, Will, and Regan all brought home 2nd in their individual categories. Oliver and Faith both earned 5th. Go Braves!
over 2 years ago, Christina Bosse
oral interpers
Good Luck to the Oral Interpers at the ECC Oral Interp Meet today!
over 2 years ago, Stephanie Symens
Lunch balance calls had been paused for the last couple of days. BHS was working with Apptegy to update these lists with the most accurate information. Starting Thurs. Oct. 20th at 7:00PM alerts will start being pushed out again. Families will start getting alerts when students/faculty have $15.00 or less in the account. You can pay your lunch balance numerous ways: visit your parent portal, then select the food service tab to pay by debit or credit card, send a check or cash to school to be delivered to the business office, or drop a check in the red box outside of the main entrance. Debit or credit card payments can be made in person at the business office as well.
over 2 years ago, Danelle Elsen