Britton-Hecla Elementary Newsletter

What a successful first week! We welcomed our students back this week to a brand new school year with an amazing group of kids! 

A few reminders as we begin our year....

*Our makeup day for individual school photos is September 7th (if you didn't take a photo at open house). This will also be the day that we take class photos as a group for K-5 classrooms. 

*Homecoming is NEXT WEEK, August 29th-September 1st.  If your child is riding in a float and not walking with their class, please let us know in the office.  All other students will be walking in the parade with their class and dismissed from school at their regular scheduled time.

Dress up days are as follows:

Monday - Glam and Grunge
Tuesday - Disney Character Day
Wednesday - Country vs Country Club
Thursday - Red and White Day

*We DO NOT have school on Sept. 2nd or Sept. 5th!

Have a nice weekend!