school fees

Britton-Hecla School District will be taking student fees by mail, in the Business Office, Infinite Campus Portal, or the payment drop box located outside of the main entrance. Student fees include activity tickets, computer insurance, and OST (Funtastic). Meal money payments will be explained in another NEWS Article.  Payments for the fees will be accepted starting MONDAY, AUGUST 16th.  

New this year is the Infinite Campus Portal Payment system. This will allow you to pay fees using a Credit/Debit Card. You will need a Campus Parent Portal user ID and Password if you would like to use this option. To utilize this payment option you will need to contact Danelle Elsen at the school in the Business Office 605-448-2234  ext. 1100. Since this is a new system we are asking for your patience as we are also still learning this great new tool. 

If you decide to pay by mail or at the drop box located outside the main entrance, Payment Slip Envelopes are available at the Payment Drop Box. Please fill out the payment slip and include it with your payment. If you are mailing from home, a payment slip is available to print from our website https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws...

Computer Insurance Fee this year will be waived if you fill out a Free and Reduced Meal application whether you qualify or do not qualify for Free or Reduced Meals. YOU MUST FILL A F&R APPLICATION TO HAVE THIS FEE WAIVED.  Click the following link to print off the F&R Application https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws... 

These applications are used for more than determining eligibility for free and reduced-priced meals. At the district level, free and reduced student numbers are used to help determine state and federal grant funding. These grants are in important part of the Britton-Hecla's School District budget. This year, these applications can also qualify parents for Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) benefits.

Click the following link for pricing